Can you remember the very first thing you wanted to be?
Did you go through the ‘I want to be a rock star’ phase or the ‘I am going to fly up to space’ fantasy? When you are young, the world is your oyster. You imagine what you will be, what career you will have and there are no barriers to your goals.
I often laugh when my Mum explains that the first thing I ever wanted to be was a bus driver. When asked why I would explain that I wanted to take my family to the beach. How cute was I! What makes me laugh is I obviously hadn’t realised that a) I could do that in a car and b) I would have a set route as a bus driver so probably wouldn’t be taking my family anywhere.

My dreams of being a bus driver didn’t last long. By the time I was in reception I very quickly became obsessed with being a teacher. As soon as school finished, I would line up all my teddies and become their ‘Miss’ for an hr or two, even going as far as making a register which I kept in a very orderly fashion.
After years of playing teacher, my dreams had come true. After my degree, I went straight into teacher training. I spent a decade of my life planning or marking and I loved every minute of it. Never had I imagined I would be sitting here now as the owner of Diddi Drama, writing a blog for my business! Having a baby changed things. I needed a career that allowed for more flexibility so I took things into my own hands and created Diddi Drama so I could spend time with my little one.
My two year old has recently gained an interest in the world of work. She often recites ‘Daddy’s job is [com]puters, Grandad’s job is driving and Mummy’s job is Diddi Drama.’ She is right on all accounts. She has become aware that ‘going to work’ means different things to different people and is now asks ‘What’s Bella’s work?’ I always answer ‘Playing.’
Play is so vital during a child’s early years. Not only does it help with speech and language development and their personal, social and emotional aspects of learning; play helps to develop a child’s understanding of the world around them. Their possibilities. Their likes and dislikes. Their interests. As Martin Buber says, ‘Play is the exultation of the possible.’
That is the foundation for the Diddi Drama session that I have planned for Storyhouse Women’s Weekend entitled ‘When I Grow Up I Want To Be…’ I wanted my Diddi Drama Stars to have the opportunity to role play lots of different jobs from astronauts to firefighters. Every child should be able to dream and believe that anything is possible no matter what their ethnicity, background or gender.
The FREE session will be held in Storyhouse on Sunday 28th April 2019, 11.00am – 11.45am. There is no booking or weekend pass required, just turn up and join in the fun. There are limited spaces so get there early.
I was honoured to be asked to be a part of Storyhouse Women’s Weekend. It is a brilliant opportunity for me and my young business that was presented to be by Helen, the founder of Sisterhub. After setting up Diddi Drama, I wanted to find a group of like-minded women who could support my business journey and that is exactly what I have found in Sisterhub. Thank you to Helen and all the sisters for their continued support.
See you on Sunday.
Love, Sarah x